October 2020

GSP expires Dec 31

A reminder that Generalized Systems of Preference (GSP) expires December 31 this year.  Congress historically has reinstated GSP, several times retroactively, but in this political environment, we make no predictions.

Child and forced labor products are top Customs enforcement area

Section 307 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. § 1307) prohibits the importation of merchandise mined, produced or manufactured, wholly or in part, in any foreign country by forced or indentured labor – including forced child labor. Such merchandise is subject to exclusion and/or seizure, and may lead to criminal investigation of the importer(s).

When information reasonably but not conclusively indicates that merchandise within the purview of this provision is being imported, the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) may issue withhold release orders… For more info, please go to


Ed. note:  Customs is VERY serious about stopping forced and child labor products from entry into the U.S., and if in doubt, will withhold release of your shipment.  It is imperative that you, the importer of record, take actions, to include site visits if possible, to insure your suppliers are not using child and/or forced labor.  The Department of Labor has published a list by country of products known to be produced with child and/or forced labor.  The list starts on page 30 at the following website.  We STRONGLY urge you to review it, and if one of your products is on that list, take AGGRESSIVE steps to document that your supplier is not using child and/or forced labor.


Please visit our website at


for additional and updated information and  contact us with any questions.